
The ombud

We have two student- and doctoral student ombud who can help you if you have encountered problems during your studies or feel that you have been treated unfairly by the university.

Ombud... what?

The word ombudsman is a word that the English language has borrowed from Swedish and we couldn't be prouder! It means representative or delagate but is widely used.

In today's Swedish, it's generally accepted to remove the ending of the word (-man) and simply say "ombud". At the University of Gothenburg student unions, we decided to do the same in English. Let us introduce you to our ombud!

Tasks of the Ombud

The ombudspersons have three main tasks in their role.

  1. To help students and doctoral students who have encountered problems in their education.
  2. To investigate issues of a student-related nature.
  3. To provide support to students who are brought before the Disciplinary Board at the University of Gothenburg.

If you feel that you have experienced something that you want to talk about, feel free to talk about it with us. We can give you information on how to proceed, discuss the situation with you and support you.

The work of the ombud includes most of the student's study environment at university. This could be questions about examinations, disciplinary matters, the way you are treated, matters of discrimination or anything else that affects your time as a student. We can also provide support and guidance on other aspects of student life.

If you experience a situation or conduct that you consider inappropriate, you can seek help from the ombud. It is not acceptable for anyone to feel harassed during their studies. You do not have to deal with it alone.

The ombudsmen also assist the student unions in finding out what applies in matters concerning the laws, rules and regulations that govern the university's operations. Unlike the student unions' elected representatives and trustees, the ombudsmen do not push any student policy-related issues but are there to support the students.

If you are not sure if we are the right people to contact, ask us anyway! We are available to all students at the University of Gothenburg and will do our best to help you or refer you to the right person.

The easiest way to reach the ombud is by opening a ticket. You can also email!

About this translation

We use generative AI to bring you this information in English. The text has been proof read by a member of our team. Please inform us of any errors.